LIX022B05, 2013/14, semester Ia


This is a ``first course in database management systems''. In this course, students are introduced to the theory and practice of working with relational databases. Students will learn common practices and pitfalls of database design, and learn to use SQL for both data manipulation and queries.

The course introduces logical database design (using ER diagrams), normalization, the implementation of the database in a relational database system (using MySQL). The course will follow a practical perspective. However, the students will also be familiarized with the theoretical background of database management systems.

More information can be found in course syllabus (draft).


No formal requirements, but a good level of `computer literacy' is assumed.

Course Plan

Date Subject Reading (from the textbook) Exercises
Sep 2 Introduction [slides] [handout] Chapter 1, 2 none
Sep 9 Conceptual DB Design (E-R diagrams) [slides] [handout] Chapter 7 optional exercises, assignment 1
Sep 16 Relational DB Design, normalization [slides] [handout] Chapter 8 assignment 2
Sep 23 SQL (1): simple queries and data manipulation [slides] [handout] Chapter 3 assignment 3
Sep 30 SQL (2): more on queries [slides] [handout] Chapter 4 assignment 4
Oct 7 SQL (3): SQL and programming [slides] [handout] sections from Chapter 11, 12, 13 assignment 5
Oct 14 Summary assignment 6


Database System Concepts by A. Silberschatz, H. F. Korth and S. Sudarshan. McGraw-Hill (2010), ISBN 978-007-128959-7 (6th international ed.)


Homeworks: 30%, Final exam: 70%. To pass the course, the weighted average of the homeworks and the exam should be 5.5 or above.

The average of the best five homework results will constitute the 30% of the final grade. Homeworks will include both paper-and-pencil type of questions and practical exercises with MySQL and related tools. The homeworks are to be submitted in English.


Homeworks will be posted weekly in this course web page.

Practical Information

Courses: Monday 13:00-15:00, A-weg 30, room 103
Labs: Wednesday 15:00-17:00, 1312.0107MB
Office hours: Wednesday 13:00-15:00 (or by appointment)
Instructor: Çağrı Çöltekin