Database-driven Web Technology
LIX021B05, 2013/14, semester Ib

Introduction Course plan Resources


This course is an introductory course on server side web programming for accessing databases. The course is a project-based course: students will build a real web-based application for allowing access to data stored in a relational database. For more information see the course syllabus.

Course plan (tentative)

Date Subject Course material
Nov 11 Organization, a quick refresher on PHP, Git slides, handout, assignment
Nov 18 Project teams
Nov 25 Web programming: background & Accessing databases from PHP slides, handout, assignment
Dec 2 Session Management slides, handout, assignment
Dec 9 Security slides, handout, assignment
Dec 16 Summary & QA & Discussion assignment
Jan 6 Project (prototype) demonstrations



Instructor: Çağrı Çöltekin
Office hours: Thurdsays 09:00-11:00 (or by appointment).