
I teach or have taught the following courses:

FHNW Computer Science / Data Science

Extended Reality (2021- current): A primer in extended reality, covering fundamental topics in virtual, augmented and mixed reality, including a project based hands-on components (labs led by Kathrin Koebel).

(Interactive) Data visualization / Visual analytics (2019- current): Based on a revolutionary new teaching approach with no 'frontal lectures', students take ownership of the knowledge and how to use it in a guided manner. They are given challenges that require expertise in multiple areas, and materials to study. It is intentionally disruptive of the classical teaching, and currently somewhat experimental.

Information visualization (2019): A 'classic' infoviz course for computer science majors.

IPOLE (interdisciplinary/international project-based learning environment) (2019): An international 'seminar' that seeks to bridge science and innovation including a winter school, with students from different disciplines, different countries, and different levels in their studies (5th semester in BSc, MSc or higher).

Media computing (2019) : Covers audio, image and video processing as well as extended reality with creative projects.

UZH Geography (until 2019)

MSc level (UZH)

Geo789 3D Geovisualization: Perception, Modelling, Interaction, Analysis (2016-2019)

Geo661 Fundamental Challenges in Geographic Information Science
(specialized MSc, two semesters, 2015-2019)

Geo410 Geography. Matters. (previously Thinking Geographically), subtopic: Analyzing and Visualizing Migration Patterns. 1/6th of the class (about 20 students)

Geo718 Geovisualization in Research Practice (excursions coupled with assignments, 50% of the class, 2017-2019)

Geo818 Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis (2012–2016, 50% of the lectures)

Geo453 Geographic Information Science Seminar Topics varied, covered topics were: multi-dimensional geographic information, scale and level of detail, digital earth, eye tracking for geographic information visualization, usability, and user experience (2007–2015)

BSc Level (UZH)

Geo246 Statistics (since 2017)

Geo113/123 Introduction to Cartography and Geovisualization (2007-2016, 50% of the lectures)

Small group teaching (since 2010) Topics around the breadth of geography including environmental, human, and methodological topics with a small group of students.

Other (UZH)

Statistics with R (2009–2012, PhD course, coordinated with external lecturers)

Organization of the GIScience Colloquium, reading groups, public demos (since 2017)

Field trips/excursions to companies, e.g. IBM, Siemens, Google, Esri (since 2017)

Earlier (1997–2006): Helsinki University of Technology, Finland (now Aalto University), as a teaching assistant or course coordinator, occasional lectures

Spatial Data Structures and Algorithms
Introduction to Cartography and Geoinformatics
Cartographic Production
Visualization in Geographic Information
GIS Software Engineering
Development of Cartographic Information
Postgraduate course in Geoinformatics, postgraduate seminar in Geoinformatics
Geographic Data Administration
Geographic Data Management

In the remote past (1995–1997): Yildiz Technical University, Turkey: as a teaching assistant or course coordinator, occasional lectures

Photogrammetry I, II, III
Digital Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing
Field Measurements