Statistical parsing

In this seminar we will read and discuss some of the important and/or recent research papers on statistical constituency and dependency parsing, after covering introductory topics during the first few weeks. Please see syllabus for more information.

The evaluation will be based on participation, assignments during the semester and a term project with an associated term paper. The course is worth 9 ECTS credits.


Course outline (tentative!)

Date Subject / Paper
Oct 25 Introduction [slides] [handout]
Oct 27 Background: grammars, grammar formalisms [slides] [handout]
Nov 3 Practical: grammars & treebanks
Nov 8/10 Background: context-free parsing [slides] [handout] [exercises]
Nov 15/17 Background: Statistical parsing [slides] [handout] [Examples: recognizer, parser ]
Nov 22/24 Background: dependency parsing [slides] [handout]
Nov 29 / Dec 1 Background: dependency parsing [slides] [handout]
Dec 6/8 (Collins 2003) [slides] [handout]
Dec 13/15 (Charniak and Johnson 2005) [slides] [handout]
Dec 20 Zhang and Clark (2008) [slides by Nora Kumpikova]
Jan 10 Bohnet and Nivre (2012)
Jan 12 Bohnet et al. (2013)
Jan 17 Eisner (1996)
Jan 19 Yamada and Matsumoto (2003)
Jan 24 Yazdani and Henderson (2015)
Jan 26 Chen and Manning (2014) [slides by Kuan Yu]
Jan 31 Klein and Manning (2004)
Feb 2 Alberti et al. (2015)
Feb 7 Bohnet (2010)
Feb 9 Summary and final discussion.